Weekly Update December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023
Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community

Our Holiday festivities abound as we celebrated with a Festival of Lights in our Breezeway yesterday, featuring Christmas Carols with Eve, a Hot Chocolate Bar, and SNOW!  Our team creates a wonderful “White Christmas” experience right here on campus, and I believe we see more and more lights every year!  Thank you to all who helped make this happen!  

The festivities continue with our Spirit of Giving Christmas Boutique tomorrow from 1pm to 5pm in our Residential Dining Room, with a special visit from Santa for photos between 1:30pm  and 3:30pm.  You’ll have an opportunity to visit vendor tables to purchase some wonderful Christmas gifts and enjoy a festive afternoon.  We look forward to seeing you there.

The deadline for contributions to our Employee Appreciation Fund is today, December 8th.   As I mentioned last week, our staff is integral to the exceptional care that is provided here at Solheim. Their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts are the cornerstone of our community's well-being. In recognition of this, we warmly invite you to join us in showing your deep appreciation for their commitment. Every year at this time, we offer a meaningful way to express your gratitude: by contributing to the Employee Appreciation Fund. Your generous donations, which can be made until TODAY, Friday, December 8th, will be distributed equally among our staff, serving as a tangible testament to your support and recognition of their invaluable service.  To make your donation, please visit www.solheimsenior.org/donate and choose the Employee Appreciation option. You may also mail your donation, or drop it off at the front desk. Together, in this season of giving, let's unite to uplift and celebrate those who dedicate themselves to serving our community with such extraordinary devotion.

Christmas is just around the corner, and Solheim is pleased to invite up to 2 guests of our residents to a special Christmas Lunch at 12:00 pm on Wednesday December 20th for a cost of $30 per person.   We’ll have festive holiday cocktails beginning at 11:00 am in our Navigage Room, with staggered brunch seating in 15-minute increments.  Invitations have been sent out, and the deadline to RSVP is next Friday, December 15th.  For more information you may reach out to Ashley Brayman at abrayman@solheimsenior.org or by phone at 323 257 7518 x 224.  

Finally, as we start to see more visitors over the holidays, I would ask that we do our best to leave the loading zone at the front entrance of Solheim as open and free as possible.  When dropping off a resident, or gifts or supplies, please unload, and then pull your car forward or back in the space, so that the handicap ramp is accessible by our vans and other vehicles.  Even 5 minutes with a car in this space makes a difference to someone who needs to use the ramp!  We appreciate your understanding and consideration.

Visitation Guidelines remain unchanged from last week.  All Solheim visitors and staff members must continue to conduct self-screening for symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection prior to entry.  

If you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or tantypas@solheimsenior.org.


Weekly Update December 15, 2023


Weekly Update December 1, 2023