Ready to Apply for Admission?
Download Your Application Right Here!
You can start your application process by downloading an application form below—or just give us a call!
Submit Your Application!
Upload your completed application, and our team will be in touch shortly!
Timeline & Framework: What To Expect
The following guidance is designed to provide your with a general timeline and framework for the steps involved in gaining admission to Solheim. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information—our sales counselors are standing by to help you, and our friendly and knowledgeable staff are more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have about the admissions process.
Step #1
Submit the admission application, and provide us with the following supporting documentation:
A “Pre-placement Appraisal”: This give us a general (informal) overview of the applicant's health information, and should be completed by the applicant and/or their responsible party
Current financial statements (i.e., bank, pension, and investment account statements)
Healthcare/Financial durable power of attorney documents
A driver's license or other State ID card
One or more health insurance card(s)
A Medicare card
A trust agreement and/or long-term care insurance policy (if applicable)
Payment of admission application fee
Step #2
Visit your physician to complete and/or perform the following tasks:
Prepare a “Physician's Report”: Ask your primary care physician to complete and return this form to Solheim. This should be completed within 3 months of your move-in date to Solheim, and the completed report will be needed to schedule your meeting with Solheim's Director of Nursing.
PPD Test for Tuberculosis: This test should be completed within 1 month of your move-in date to Solheim. It can be quickly administered at your doctor's office, and the results will be ready within 48-72 hours. It can also be performed at a local Minute Clinics location.
NOTE: If the PPD test results are positive, Solheim will require a chest x-ray along with a statement from your physician verifying that you don't have tuberculosis.
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (“POLST”): This form—which requires a physician’s signature—lets the Solheim team know your health directives.
Step #3
When all of the materials from Steps 1 and 2 have been turned in to Solheim, we will schedule a visit with Solheim's Director of Nursing to review the health information you and your physician have provided:
This meeting typically takes place at Solheim, but a home visit is also possible.
Your sales counselor will work with you to arrange a time to meet with Solheim's Director of Nursing.
You will need to bring a list of all current prescription and OTC medications. (You may also bring the actual items with you, if that's easier!)
And then, its time to move in…
When all application, financial, and medical paperwork has finally been received and approved by Solheim, your sales counselor will work with you to set a move-in date and a time to sign your admission contract. You will also be able to select “finishes” for your apartment, which will be completed before you move in. Welcome to Solheim!
Have a Question about Applying for Admission? Contact us.
If you have a question regarding applying for admission to Solheim, our friendly and knowledgeable staff would love to speak to you today! Just click the button below to email us, or give us a call anytime.
2236 Merton Ave
Los Angeles (Eagle Rock)
CA 90041
(323) 257-7518