Our Philosophy
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Solheim Senior Community is simple: To provide abundant living for older adults in a caring faith-based community filled with love, peace, dignity, and security.
Our Statement of Purpose
The purpose of Solheim Senior Community is to minister to the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of older adults in an atmosphere of love, peace, dignity, and security. We strive to do this:
By nourishing their bodies through quality healthcare and support, their minds through varied activities programs, and their spirits through Christ-centered outreach
By offering multiple levels of accommodations, including Independent Residential Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing Care programs
By maintaining, updating, designing, and building physical facilities that are sufficient to meet the varied needs of residents and older adults
By working to project the “Solheim Feeling” into the surrounding community
By meeting all applicable codes, regulations, and standards governing performance and safety of facilities like ours
By maintaining good stewardship in managing funds and indebtedness, in order to fulfill all of our contractual obligations
By prudently investing funds and seeking capital preservation with acceptable returns
By encouraging charitable giving, and by always providing services—to the extent of Solheim’s financial abilities—regardless of an individual resident’s ongoing ability to pay
By valuing staff, and enhancing our residents’ lives, through maintaining an environment on campus that is conducive to both personal/professional growth and happiness
By developing Board and staff leadership dedicated to fulfilling Solheim’s Mission, Vision, and Purpose
Our Health & Wellness Philosophy
The philosophy of care at Solheim Senior Community is based on the principles of Christian love. Our goal is to deliver quality medical care and services in an environment that is conducive to the promotion of wellness and an abundant life. Delivery of quality health and wellness services here at Solheim in furtherance of this philosophy of care is accomplished:
By recognizing, accepting, and respecting individual needs and decisions
By providing information that assists residents and their families in making well-informed personal healthcare decisions
By respecting residents’ rights to privacy and confidentiality
By demonstrating God’s love through daily prayer and acts of service
By offering spiritual support and counseling
By affirming the importance of “Residents’ Rights” on a daily basis
By providing activities to promote health, wellness, and a sense of community
By providing opportunities for community involvement, service, and socialization
By encouraging residents to seek enjoyment of life through hobbies and activities of their own choosing
By providing knowledgeable staff who are trained, on an ongoing basis, to deliver care that is consistent with our community practice standards
By providing a support framework for residents’ families
By maintaining and/or restoring our residents’ health to the highest practicable level of functioning
By striving to relieve pain, discomfort, anxiety, and fear wherever possible
By acting as an advocate for our residents where and as appropriate
By providing and coordinating personal and professional resources as appropriate
By collaborating with health care delivery systems to effect positive resident outcomes
By providing a positive and healthy working environment that promotes the health and wellness of our valued staff
By implementing innovative practices wherever practicable, in an attempt to remain within or ahead of the prevailing “community standards” of our industry
Our Professional Affiliations
The Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association is dedicated to assisting persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, as well as their loved ones and caregivers, through information and referrals, support groups, care consultation, and educational programs for families and professionals.
LeadingAge (formerly AAHSA)
LeadingAge is committed to advancing the vision of healthy, affordable, ethical long-term care all across America.
LeadingAge California (formerly CAHSA)
LeadingAge California is California’s leading advocate for quality senior living and care. This important public-interest association represents more than 400 nonprofit providers of aging services—including affordable housing, continuing care retirement communities, assisted living, skilled nursing, and home- and community-based care—that collectively serve more than 80,000 seniors.
California Department of Public Health (formerly DHS)
This state-level government agency oversees Solheim’s Skilled Nursing program, with the goal of protecting and improving the health of all Californians.
California Department of Social Services (DSS)
This state-level government agency oversees Solheim’s Residential Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care programs, with the goal of serving, aiding, and protecting needy and vulnerable children and adults in ways that strengthen and preserve families, encourage personal responsibility, and foster independence.
In accordance with California’s Health and Safety Code (H&SC) Section 1790, Solheim notes that all California-based Continuing Care Retirement Communities (“CCRC’s”) are required to submit to DSS an annual report of their financial condition within four months after the end of each fiscal year. To see Solheim’s most recent annual report, as submitted to DSS, please click here.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Solheim is affiliated with the ELCA Southwest CA Synod.
Includes nursing home comparisons.