A Century of History At A Glance

1923 | Adolph Larson envisioned a “cozy Christian home to rest when the sun goeth down for worthy aged Norwegians” and convinced his fellow Men’s Brotherhood of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Los Angeles to join him in creating Solheim Lutheran Home in 1923. Solheim was dedicated on 4/24/1924.

1925 | Original 12 room Chambers House cottage at 2236 Myrtle Avenue in Eagle Rock. Myrtle would become Merton in 1925 when Eagle Rock was incorporated into Los Angeles. Two cottages were added to the original Chambers House by Mrs. Anderton.

1932 | Men’s cottage, 4 bedrooms and a single bath, added in the southwest of the original cottage in 1932.

1940 | September 15, 1940, the addition known as “the Annex” was dedicated.

1941 - 1943 | An acre of land with two cottages are known as Lot #65, was purchased in 1941. Despite the austerity of the War Years, Solheim celebrated its 20th anniversary on November 21, 1943.

1950 | Superintendent’s House

1951 | Solheim Guests aka Residents

1954 | October 1954 Main Building phase one completed

1965 | Skilled Nursing Facility completed in June 1965

1981 | Manor building completed

1986 | First Solheim van

1987 | Groundbreaking for the new skilled nursing building

1989 | Skilled Nursing building completed

1990 | Main entrance Merton-Manor completed

2001 | California Courtyard and Halvorson Special Care Unit Dedication

2003 | 80th Anniversay

2006 | Purchase of the Eagle Rock Hardware and Lumber site for future expansion

2013 | 90th Anniversary Gala

2015 | Halvorson Renovation

2015 | Lobby Renovation

2016 | Solheim Exterior Renovation
Contact us!
With a century of service under its belt, “community” sits at the very core of the Solheim experience. From Residential or Assisted Living, to Memory Care and Skilled Nursing, Solheim Senior Community stands ready to meet your care needs… both today and tomorrow.
Solheim Senior Community
2236 Merton Ave
Los Angeles (Eagle Rock)
CA 90041
(323) 257-7518