Notice August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
To: Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
From: Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community
If you were on the Solheim Skilled Nursing campus on or after August 12th, it is possible you were exposed to COVID-19.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 following your visit, please check in with your primary care provider and/or self-test for COVID-19.
Visitation Guidelines are as follows:
Visitors should be screened for fever and respiratory symptoms, should wear a mask while in the building, and should restrict their visit to the resident’s room or other designated location
All visitors should frequently perform hand hygiene and avoid close contact with others while on campus
Visitors are strongly recommended to wear well-fitting masks while on campus
Visitors to a resident in isolation for COVID-19 shall wear appropriate PPE
If you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or