Weekly Update March 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
To: Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
From: Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community
March brings with-it Daylight-Saving Time, where we “spring forward” an hour this Saturday night, March 13th (we lose an hour of sleep but we gain more usable daylight as the sun sets later through the spring and summer months). March also brings with it the first day of spring on March 20th. With the beautiful weather we’ve been having, and longer days, we encourage everyone to get out there and enjoy our renovated outdoor spaces across campus!
I am pleased to announce that Marie Garnett has recently been promoted to our new Director of Nursing. Marie has already been a part of our Solheim team for the past year as our Director of Residential Health and Wellness, leading our RCFE nursing team to provide excellent care to the residents of Solheim while providing additional support to our SNF nursing team. Marie has worked in senior living for over 20 years, and we are so grateful for her experience and expertise.
This coming Monday, we will be upgrading electrical work in our Residential Campus. Our phones, internet and all other electrical utilities will be down for a short time on Monday morning (3/14) between 9am and noon. We encourage all of our residents to plan to enjoy our outdoor group activities during that time – and for friends and family members who are planning to visit that day, we would respectfully ask that you please consider an afternoon visit rather than a morning visit. As we’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, we plan on making substantial upgrades across campus this year, so we really appreciate your patience as we push forward with this work!
Our visitation guidelines have not changed since last week – however, please be aware that we stop offering rapid tests at 4:30pm. If you come to visit after that time, we ask that you provide your own proof of a negative Covid-19 test result from within the past 48 hours. I sincerely thank you for your patience, as our guidelines will likely continue to evolve in light of changing regulatory guidance. Our current visitation guidelines are:
ALL VISITORS on our campus must provide a negative PCR COVID-19 test result within 48 Hours, or a negative Antigen test within 24 hours, REGARDLESS of vaccination status and REGARDLESS of essential visitor status.
Proof of vaccination and booster shot, if eligible, is required for all INDOOR visits.
Outdoor visitation is permitted for those that do not meet the vaccination requirement.
Indoor visitors and visitors eligible for outdoor visitation must always wear a facemask during the visitation and physically distance themselves from facility staff and other residents and visitors that are not part of their group at all times during the visit.
Alternative communication such as phone calls, video calls, and online communication is always available.
To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, if you are sick or not feeling well for any reason you should postpone your visit and not come to campus until you’re feeling well again.
I am pleased to say, as of today’s writing, we have no cases of COVID-19 on campus.
If you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or tantypas@solheimsenior.org.