Weekly Update December 31, 2020
To: Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
From: Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community
Note: Due to the New Year’s Holiday, this will serve as our Weekly Update.
As the year comes to a close, I reflect with you on this historic year we’ve had. It has tested us in ways few of us could have imagined. However, as I said last week, this is a season for profound hope, and my hope is this new year brings you warmth, and abundance of love, and light to guide your path.
Solheim is in an ongoing dialogue with relevant entities that are involved in overseeing the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccinations. A memo was circulated last week to residents and their Power of Attorney where appropriate, stating we are working with Curative Care, which we understand is now positioned to supply Moderna-produced COVID-19 vaccinations to qualifying individuals, on a rolling basis. For more information about the vaccine(s) that are being rolled out, and the vaccination process (including the order in which it will be made available to different populations within the community), we strongly recommend that everyone take a moment to look at the latest guidance put out on the CDC website (www.cdc.gov)—and of course if you have questions or concerns, we also strongly recommend that you reach out to your primary care physician.
As always during these trying times, Solheim remains firmly committed to protecting the health and safety of our residents and staff. Please remember that everyone on campus will be required to maintain appropriate social distance measures and wear an appropriate facial mask at all times—and (as always) please don’t come at all if you are experiencing any symptoms of any illness! Out of an abundance of caution, we will be limiting visitations to the hours of 10am to 4pm, and strongly encourage outdoor visits or Facetime visits whenever possible. Please reach out to Kathy Rust at kathyr@solheimsenior.org if you have any questions, or need to schedule a call.
Our longtime staff member, Cho Maung, Director of Residential Health and Wellness has decided to step down from her role here at Solheim. She will be taking time to be with her family and for other personal reasons. We are sad to see her go, and we know many have developed a relationship with Cho over the years. We are grateful for her many years of service and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. For any questions or concerns you would have normally gone to Cho for, please reach out to Meg Pierce, our Sr. Director of Healthcare Services at 323-257-7518 x221 or mpierce@solheimsenior.org.
We have four (4) residents, four (4) direct care staff members and one (1) non direct care staff member in our Assisted Living Campus, and four (4) residents in our Health Center that have tested positive for COVID-19.
If you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or tantypas@solheimsenior.org