Weekly Update November 25, 2020
To: Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
From: Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community
(Note: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, this will serve as our Weekly Update.)
Thanksgiving conjures up many feelings and emotions even in a “normal” year—and of course, 2020 is unlike any modern year on record! We here at Solheim take our duty to care for our senior residents—doing our best to keep them both healthy and happy—extremely seriously. Indeed, it’s always our first priority. Now more than ever, balancing these sometimes competing interests is a serious challenge that we face together… both here at Solheim, and within the broader community as a whole.
In that spirit, we are asking all residents, visitors, and staff to bear in mind how incredibly important it is for everyone to maintain proper infection controls as we prepare for this week’s Thanksgiving Holiday.
Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving at Home:
If you are planning to have any guests in your home, CDC officials recommend taking these steps to stay safe:
If possible, eat outdoors and keep the gathering small;
Limit the number of guests;
Have conversations with guests ahead of time to set expectations for celebrating together;
Clean and disinfect frequently any common surfaces and/or items in between use;
If you are celebrating indoors, make sure to open windows to help increase airflow;
Limit the number of people in any food preparation areas;
Consider having guests bring their own food and drinks; and
If you are sharing food, have only one person serve it and use single-use options (like plastic utensils).
Again, let me stress that protecting our residents is always our first priority—and now, during the holidays, we certainly need everyone’s help and renewed commitment to keep our community healthy!
If You Are Planning to Visit Campus (or to Invite Any Visitors onto Campus):
Please remember that everyone on campus will be required to maintain appropriate social distance measures and wear an appropriate facial mask at all times—and (as always) please don’t come at all if you are experiencing any symptoms of any illness! To schedule a call through our online scheduling program, you can visit https://calendly.com/kathyr-3, and don’t hesitate to email Kathy Rust directly at kathyr@solheimsenior.org if you have difficulty finding a time slot for a call or would like to schedule an in-person campus visit.
Based on our latest testing, we are currently free of COVID-19 across our campus. We will continue to monitor this situation via testing as required, and, as always, we also continue to offer regular COVID-19 testing to all residents and staff in compliance with all applicable regulations.
You can always visit our website for more information at www.solheimsenior.org, but if you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or tantypas@solheimsenior.org .
Know that we are grateful for your partnership, and we wish you all a very blessed Thanksgiving during these challenging times!