Weekly Update July 21, 2023
July 21, 2023
To: Solheim Employees, Residents, Family Members and Stakeholders
From: Sam Oden, CEO of Solheim Senior Community
With hot weather continuing in the forecast for the next week, I want to encourage all residents to stay hydrated and use your air conditioning as much as needed, if you need any assistance adjusting your air conditioning , please don’t hesitate to let the front desk know.
Yesterday we announced our Employees of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of 2023, and they are: Luisa Ortega in our Skilled Nursing Campus; Ricardo Salazar in Dining; Carmen Urbina in our Wellness Center; Ariel Sales in Facilities; and Sheila Lucas in our Residential Care Campus (Halvorson Memory Care and Residential/Assisted Living). Each of these 5 individuals have gone “above and beyond,” helping to make Solheim a loving, caring, faith-based home filled with love, peace, dignity, and security. As a reminder, you can recognize any of our employees through our Solheim Feeling Recognition Program by filling out a form at the front desk or any of our nursing stations, or filling it online on our website at www.solheimsenior.org/employee-recognition.
I also want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that our “Refer-a-Friend” program is still underway! Any resident who refers a friend to Solheim will receive an incentive when that referral moves into our community and becomes part of the “Solheim Family.” And in fact, it’s even better than that: Both the current resident and the referred resident will also receive a free month on their fourth month’s rent. Please contact Emily Pierce our Sales Counselor for more information about this program at epierce@solheimsenior.org or by calling our front desk.
As we celebrate our Centennial year, we have many fun events in the pipeline. Here are a few to mark on your calendar: August 1st from 5:30pm-8pm we will be partnering with our neighbor, the 7th Day Adventist Church, for National Night Out. September 23rd from 5pm-9pm we’ll be holding our annual Oktoberfest. And of course, our biggest event of the year is our Centennial Masquerade Ball celebration, which will be held at the beautiful La Canada Flintridge Country Club on Saturday October 28th from 6pm -10pm. Our deadline for sponsorships and underwriting opportunities is quickly approaching on July 31st, and I’d encourage everyone to at least consider becoming a sponsor or underwriter. As Solheim celebrates “100 years of serving seniors,” we really want to share this incredible milestone with our residents, staff, family members and greater community. Learn more, and become a sponsor by visiting www.solheimsenior.org/masqueradeball or contact Tina Antypas at tantypas@solheimsenior.org. We’ll round out the year with an Across the Decades Fashion Show on November 16th in the afternoon, and our Spirit of Giving Christmas Boutique on December 9th from 1pm-5pm! Come celebrate with us.
Visitation Guidelines remain unchanged from last week. All Solheim visitors and staff members must continue to conduct self-screening for symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection prior to entry. Masks are required for all team members and visitors to our Health Center (Skilled Nursing).
As of today, we have no new staff or residents who have tested positive for Covid-19. If
If you have any specific questions, please direct them to Tina Antypas at 323 257-7518 X225 or tantypas@solheimsenior.org.