Residents Join the Board of Directors
In 1998, the State of California adopted a new law for Continuing Care Retirement Communities. It stated that the Board must accept a non-voting resident representative, if the residents chose to select one. The Resident Council thought this was a good idea, so an election was held in December 1998. Lucille Stookesberry attended her first Board meeting in January 1999. Since then, 12 residents have served in this capacity, generally for two years.
In 2015, Solheim changed its Bylaws to increase the number of Board members from 16 to 18. The two added were the Immediate Past Chair, for continuity, and a resident as a voting member, with the same term (or terms) as any other Board member. There have been two resident Board members, Mary McCorkle and Barbara Rogers. Barbara is currently doing double duty, as both Resident Representative and the resident Board member.
Administrator’s reports, November 1998 through January 1999
Solheim’s Annual Reports, 1999-2023